Rethinking Practice, Reimagining the Future: Climate, Colonial Collections, and Contemporary Collecting

28th – 29th April, National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh.

Image courtesy of the National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh.

Kia whakato-muri te haere whakamua (Māori proverb)

(English Translation: I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.)

What does the future hold for world culture museums and their collections, and what role can or should they play in building the futures our communities desire or aspire to?

At a time of various world crises and museum reckonings, from climate and covid to colonial histories and legacies, the 2022 Museum Ethnographers Group conference presents a range of papers that engage with world collections in ways that seek to address contemporary concerns and inspire new futures for museums and their constituencies. 

Conference Themes

– Colonisation, Climate, and Sustainable Futures

– Contemporary Collecting

– Co-curating and Co-design

– Addressing Imperial and Colonial Histories and Legacies

– Digital Initiatives and Remote Access

See the conference pack.