Visit to the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren

Thursday 6th – Sunday 9th February 2020

Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium. Image courtesy of the Royal Museum for Central Africa.

For its next event, MEG invites its members for a visit to the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, from Thursday 6th – Sunday 9th February 2020.

The main focus of the trip will be a visit to the Royal Museum for Central Africa on Friday 7th February. The day’s programme will include a guided tour of the new galleries, speaking to staff about current curatorial decision making, the museum’s work with source and local BME communities, and a Q&A session. The day will finish with a teatime group discussion and a reflection on the visit.

Plans for Saturday are TBC, depending on numbers and members preferences. Our options are self-guided visits to museums in Brussels and Antwerp or a guided tour of a preferred museum. 

Members will be responsible for booking their own transport and accommodation, but transport and accommodation suggestions will be provided including airBnB sharing options to help keep costs down. There will also be networking opportunities on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at selected pubs and restaurants. We hope this trip will provide members with a bit of time out from busy schedules, to get together with peers to share and reflect on current practices and future aspirations.

Proposed Itinerary

Travel to Brussels on Thursday 6th

Visit the Africa Museum on Friday 7th

Explore Brussels and/or Antwerp Museums on Saturday 8th

Travel home on Sunday 9th

If you are interested in attending or finding out more, then please email the Events Officer

Join MEG
We welcome new members – whether you are from an indigenous community, work as an educator, practitioner, or artist, or are involved in the research or care of world cultures collections in museums – MEG is the network for you.